“Channeling: Building a Bridge Into the Higher Realms”
Friday, September 9, 2016 7:00pm
Unity Temple on the Plaza
All Seats $10 at the Door (Cash/Check Only)
Please join us for a fascinating evening of channeling with Patricia Sneed, Lauralei Bradley and Rama Inacio. Each person will channel and deliver guidance, insights and wisdom from the higher realms during these changing and challenging times.

Patricia Sneed is a metaphysical consultant, transformational teacher and healer. She has been providing metaphysical services for 34 years. Many of the well-known psychics in the Kansas City area were taught by Patricia. She began awareness of spirits as a child and wanted “to know” for herself. This evolved into psychic awareness in her teens when she began to be aware of her differences with others. Patricia says learning to meditate was the key to everything. She has a strong media background in radio and television and is one of the hosts of The Psychic Talk radio show KKFI 90.1 FM. Her services include psychic readings, spirit channeling, environmental clearings and energetic healing with gemstones. She is a highly sought after teacher of many metaphysical subjects. 913-486-8690 www.patriciasneed.com

Lauralei Bradley is an unconscious channel for spirit. This means she is unaware of what her spirit guide is communicating and doesn’t remember the information presented during a channeling session. Lauralei channels her spirit guide, Oden. He is a master soul and powerful healer. Oden is very in touch with the spiritual aspects of each person’s individual journey, and can answer questions about anything from world events, to spiritual growth to everyday life. The love and compassion he brings to every session is his greatest gift. Lauralei has heard, seen and worked with her spirit guides since she was a small child. Their lessons have been valuable gifts to her in her work as a psychic, medium, Reiki Master, EVP channel and spiritual healer for over 30 years. Various law enforcement agencies and media have called upon her talents in their work at solving crimes and mysteries. Together with her husband she owns White Light Bookstore and Crystals, where they teach classes on information she has channeled directly from spirit. 816-931-0116 www.odenreiki.com

Rama Inacio is a gifted channel for the ascended masters and archangels. He devotes his life and body to be an instrument for God’s love and will. He has channeled Archangel Michael, Yeshua, Saint Germain, Red Feather, Quan Yin, Archangel Sandalphon, Mother Mary, Durga, Isis, El Morya and Moses. These loving beings share their wisdom and guidance for these times, as well as, for the particular group that gathers. A unique energy is created when we commune with ascended masters and angels in a group channeling. In their beautiful presence we unify into one heart and mind, and complex problems and challenges are simplified through their great love. Everyone will have a direct experience with spirit, knowing to their core that the divine has touched them. Rama offers intuitive readings, sound and vibrational healing and your personal Soul Song. A Soul Song is music channeled just for you – it is the melody of your heart, your soul. Rama will tune into your higher self (and guides) and channel music to support you with DNA activation, deepening your connection with the divine within and union of the self. 913-574-7682 www.innershiningtemple.com
Join us for a fascinating evening of channeling!
PSI September 2016 program
“Channeling: Building a Bridge Into the Higher Realms”
Patricia Sneed, Lauralei Bradley, Rama Inacio
Friday, September 9, 2016 7:00pm
All Seats $10 at the door
Unity Temple on the Plaza, 707 W. 47th Street, Kansas City, MO 64112
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