PSI: Adventures in Consciousness
April 2015 Program
“Eyes Open, Looking for the Twelve – Blueprint for a New World”
Jeanne White Eagle
Saturday, April 11 @ 7:00 p.m. – $10 – (cash/check only)
Core Star Energy Healing Clinic
6045 Martway, Mission, KS 66202
Jeanne White Eagle will share a vision that gives the name to her new book, Eyes Open, Looking for the Twelve – Blueprint for a New World. The book describes a vision that stems from a dream; a recurring dream she had again and again over a period of more than two decades. It’s a dream that proposes a possibility for the higher development of humanity, its role in the survival and evolution of all life on Earth, and the eventual open communication and interaction with life beyond our planet.
“Though many recognize and have voiced the existing challenges that face our world, and even though there have been many technological advances made to offer clues to the survival of Earth, Eyes Open, Looking for the Twelve actually offers a possible “how-to” blueprint to put us on the track toward achieving a higher stage of consciousness and evolution, ensuring the continued existence of life on Earth.” ~ Edgar Mitchell, Astronaut, Apollo 14 NASA Moon Mission and Founder of Institute of Noetic Sciences.
Jeanne is an educator, author, visionary and a futurist with Cherokee roots. She is a founding member of the international musical Up With People, founder of Up on the Mountain, an organization for teens at risk, is co-founder of the For the One, an organization whose purpose is to help remove walls of separation and promote global healing. Jeanne and her husband, John, have travelled around the world where they have been greeted as Ambassadors for Worldwide Peace. In 2009, a biography of Jeanne and John was released, called Journey for the One by Monty Joynes. Visit her website
Saturday April 11, 2015 at 7:00 PM
Core Star Healing Clinic
6045 Martway
$10 cash/check
Mission, KS 66202
Tickets at the door only
PSI April 2015 program: Jeanne White Eagle “Eyes Open, Looking for the Twelve”
Published inPSI Monthly Events