PSI: Adventures in Consciousness
2011 programs
January Program
“2011 & Beyond Predictions”
Friday, January 28, 2011 at 7:30 p.m.
Please join us for a thought provoking evening with our third annual predictions program with special guests Steffany Barton, Patricia Sneed and Elizabeth Cutting. The panel will each present what they see for the New Year and beyond and answer general questions from the audience.Steffany Barton is a gifted psychic medium, spiritual teacher and Reiki Master. She is well known for her angel readings. In these highly personal sessions Steffany establishes contact with an individual’s personal angels, spirit guides, and loved ones who have crossed over. Part of Steffany’s mission is to demystify the spiritual and psychic arts. Through public demonstrations of her work as a medium and through experiential workshops, she works to provide individuals and groups with spiritual experiences based in scientific fact. To make an appointment, please call 913.451.4567.
Patricia Sneed has been a metaphysical consultant, teacher and healer for 30 years. As a premier teacher of psychic development in the Kansas City area, she has taught and guided many of the local psychics. She has been featured on radio and television shows and has assisted police departments in unsolved cases. Patricia offers psychic readings, past life readings/regressions, energetic healing with gemstones, classes and workshops and private parties. To schedule a reading, please call 816.522.7607.
Elizabeth Cutting is a writer, astrologer and seminar leader. She has studied with some of the top national astrologers and is a certified Language of Mastery instructor. She received her M.B.A. from Northwestern University. Elizabeth teaches classes such as: Beginning Astrology, Astrology of Relationships, Evolutionary Astrology and Asteroids: Prominent Myths, Themes & Stories in the birth chart. The common thread throughout her work is to support individuals to discover their internal wealth of resources, use their unique gifts and live life to the fullest. To schedule an astrology reading, please call 816.532.4727.
Friday, January 28, 2011 at 7:30 pm Tickets at the door only
Unity Temple on the Plaza $5 for PSI Members 707 W. 47th Street $10 General Public Kansas City, MO 64112 Free for PSI Patrons
“Studies of Communication with the Discarnate:
The Experiences of a Research Medium”
Traci Bray
Saturday, February 12th 7:30 p.m.
Traci Bray is an internationally known psychic medium who connects the living to those who have passed. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Family Services from Iowa State University and a Master’s Degree in Law Enforcement & Justice Administration from Western Illinois University. As a child, she had a definite sense that the soul survives physical death as the deceased unveiled themselves to her. Traci communicates with specific individuals on the other side, as well as offering psychic readings.Traci will speak about her experience as a research medium with the VERITAS program under the direction of Dr. Gary Schwartz at the University of Arizona-Tucson. Other well known research mediums who volunteered their time with VERITAS include John Edwards, George Anderson, Allison DuBois and Laurie Campbell. Currently, Traci is involved in the application of a similar program and will discuss the joys and challenges of the research process.
Traci will demonstrate her gift of mediumship by connecting with family and friends on the other side for random audience members.
Traci had a full feature interview article in the Kansas City Star Magazine’s August 2010 issue regarding her work as a psychic medium. In 2000, Traci was filmed by the BBC for a documentary on mediums produced by Justine Picardie. That experience later materialized in Picardie’s book If the Spirit Moves You: Love & Life Beyond Death. She also appears in the book Truth about MEDIUM: Extraordinary Experiments with the Real Allison DuBois of NBC’s Medium & Other Remarkable Psychics by Dr. Gary Schwartz.
To make an appointment, call 913.940.0754.
Saturday, February 12, 2011 at 7:30 pm Tickets at the door only
Unity Temple on the Plaza $5 for PSI Members 707 W. 47th Street $10 General Public Kansas City, MO 64112 Free for PSI Patrons
MARCH 2011
March 2011 Program
“Sacred Earth”
With Mary Starr
Due to unforeseen circumstances, PSI must cancel the program on Tuesday, March 29th with Mary Starr.To schedule a private session with Mary, please call 913.648.3404.
APRIL 2011
“Quantum Entanglement & the Collective Consciousness”
Dr. Garland Landrith
Tuesday, April 26th 7:30 p.m.
Garland Landrith, Ph.D. is a cutting-edge quantum field psychologist who has had great success teaching over 10,000 people how to heal themselves by “rewiring” their brains, so they can manifest more love and abundance in their lives. His research was cited in the movie, “What the Bleep Do You Know?” Dr. Landrith was among the first to scientifically document that “what we think inside can have a profound influence on the outer world.”Physics can’t explain Quantum Entanglement — why two separated electrons move instantaneously in the same direction when one of them is pushed. Garland Landrith believes consciousness holds the key to this interaction effect. He will present new research that supports the theory that consciousness has quantum field properties, placing it beyond the time-space limitations of the normal universe. If the universe itself is consciousness, it implies that our thoughts would be able to interact with the outside world. Dr. Landrith recently completed a study in Dallas where using his Quantum Tapping on energy points in the body; groups of people tapping were able to reduce the crime rates by over 23% for over 18 months.
Dr. Landrith will do a live demonstration of his Quantum Tapping as part of the program so the audience can learn first hand how this new technology removes blocks so we feel like we are “High on Life” on in the “zone.” Please join us to learn the secret to enhancing your positive thoughts by using your body energies as a booster to create the life of your dreams.
Beginning & advanced manifestation workshop with Dr. Landrith June 3rd 6:30-9:30 p.m. & Saturday, June 4 10-4:30, Unity of the Heartland in Olathe, KS. $75 for both days. Reserve at 913-780-4569.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011 at 7:30 pm Tickets at the door only
Unity Temple on the Plaza $5 for PSI Members 707 W. 47th Street $10 General Public Kansas City, MO 64112 Free for PSI Patrons
MAY 2011
“Exploring Consciousness, Mind, Time & Eternity”
Penny Kelly, ND
Friday, May 20th at 7:30 p.m.
Penny Kelly is a writer, teacher, consultant and Naturopathic physician. In 1979, while working as an engineer for Chrysler Corporation, she experienced a full, spontaneous awakening of the kundalini that completely altered her life and path. She left her job and returned to school to study the brain and consciousness.Penny is the owner of Lily Hill Farm and Learning Center in Michigan where she teaches courses in Developing the Gift of Intuition, Getting Well Again Naturally and Organic Gardening. She has been researching and exploring consciousness, cognition, perception and intelligence for over 30 years, and works with Dr. William Levengood of Pinelandia Laboratory near Ann Arbor, Michigan. Penny is deeply involved in community gardening efforts and the development of a regional food system in Michigan and is working with the Kellogg Foundation in this regard.
The program will introduce and explain concepts regarding the operations of the psyche that open entirely new windows into the view of our reality. Although some knowledge of altered states is fairly common among people, few have delved into consciousness to deeply explore the nature of reality or the evolutionary potentials of consciousness in the way Penny Kelly will present them. She will introduce topics such as: going backwards in time to change an outcome, research into sequential dreams, managing multiple realities, bridging realities, super awareness, intent and much more.
Penny holds a degree in Humanistic Studies from Wayne State University, a degree in Naturopathic Medicine from Clayton College and is currently working toward her Ph.D. in nutrition. She has co-written and edited 23 books with others, and written 5 books of her own.
Friday, May 20th at 7:30 p.m. Tickets at the door only
Unity Temple on the Plaza $5 for PSI Members 707 W. 47th Street $10 General Public Kansas City, MO 64112 Free for PSI Patrons
JUNE 2011
“The Other Side & Beyond: A View Beyond the Veil”
Terri Daniel
Friday, June 24th at 7:30 p.m.
Terri Daniel is an author, certified transition guide, teacher and afterlife awareness educator. Her book, A Swan in Heaven: Conversations Between Two Worlds is based on dialogs with her son who died at age 16 and now shares insightful and inspired teachings from the other side. Terri’s new book, Embracing Death: A New Look at Grief, Gratitude and God explores cultural and religious myths about the afterlife, offering a path to alternative perceptions via meditation, visualization and after-death communication.Terri counsels bereaved individuals throughout the U.S. offering alternative perspectives on death, dying and the afterlife. She lives in Oregon where she is pursuing a degree in Applied Theology at Marylhust University.
The program will explore the myths and misconceptions that have created a fear of death in our culture, and replaces these notions with an empowering metaphysical perspective on birth, death and the afterlife. Based on Terri’s work with the dying and her personal experience as a channeler, she will provide a roadmap of the higher realms, where angels, guides and loved ones eagerly await to establish communication with us. The presentation will include a guided meditation to help the audience make contact with the higher planes, where we can receive messages, and acquire valuable tools for navigating life on earth and beyond.
Terri’s work is acclaimed by hospice workers, grief counselors, clergy and the bereaved for it’s clarity on the process of dying, grieving and its heartfelt depiction of life beyond the physical body.
Terri’s books will be for sale and there will be a book signing after the program.
“This book is extraordinary! I’m moved beyond words.” ~ Melissa Gilbert, actress and board president of Children’s Hospice and Palliative Care Coalition, about A Swan in Heaven: Conservations Between Two Worlds.
Friday, June 24th at 7:30 p.m. Tickets at the door only
Unity Temple on the Plaza $5 for PSI Members 707 W. 47th Street $10 General Public Kansas City, MO 64112 Free for PSI Patrons
JULY 2011
“Mystic: The Margie Kay Story”
ET and UFO Contactee, Margie Kay
Friday, July 29th at 7:30 p.m.
Margie Kay has investigated UFO’s and worked in the paranormal field for over 30 years. She is the Missouri Assistant State Director for MUFON (Mutual UFO Network). MUFON is a non-profit organization that investigates cases of reported UFO sightings. She is also the founder and director of Quest Investigation Group www.questig.orgMargie is an ET and UFO contactee who is clairvoyant (sees), clairaudient (hears) and clairsentient (feels). She has worked with law enforcement to help solve 34 missing person, homicide and unsolved cases throughout the Midwest. Margie was born with psychic abilities and at the age of 17 could see colors emitted from music. During recent hypnotic regression sessions she found out that her psychic abilities are due to contact and interaction with extraterrestrials. Margie feels that her best skill is medical intuition where she can view inside the body.
Margie will discuss her experiences as a psychic medium, remote viewer, her encounters with UFO’s and ET’s, visits from “Men in Black” and government interference in her life. She will also share what the ET’s have shown her about the future of the earth.
Margie is the author of The Ghost Hunter’s Field Guide and Haunted Independence. She is currently working on a new book, Mystic: The Margie Kay Story.
Margie will have her books for sale and will do a book signing after the presentation. Please join us for a fascinating program.
Friday, July 29th at 7:30 p.m. Tickets at the door only
Unity Temple on the Plaza $5 for PSI Members 707 W. 47th Street $10 General Public Kansas City, MO 64112 Free for PSI Patrons
“Communing with Animals, Nature, Energetic and Disincarnate Beings”
Patricia Sneed
Friday, August 12 @ 7:30 p.m.
Note location is: Core Star Energy Healing Clinic
There is a universal language or telepathy that all living beings use to communicate. By quieting the mind you can learn to hear and sense this energetic language that flows between all life that has consciousness.In this program, Patricia Sneed will share many of her personal experiences connecting to this energetic language with four-legged animals, birds, reptiles, insects, plants, as well as with elemental and nature spirits. You will also learn about those who have died and want to communicate or are lost and need help. Patricia will also share conversations and enlightening information she received from those known as the Galactic Council.
As with all things we learn, there is a development of awareness and skill that is required to connect with this universal language. You will learn exercises and meditations that will enable you to speak the universal unspoken language of consciousness.
Patricia Sneed has been a metaphysical consultant, psychic medium, teacher and healer for 29 years. As a premier teacher of psychic development in the Kansas City area, she has taught and guided many of the local psychics. She has been featured on radio and television shows and has assisted police departments in unsolved cases. Patricia offers psychic and mediumship readings, life coaching, past life readings/regressions, energetic healing with gemstones, classes, workshops and private parties. To schedule a reading with Patricia, please call 816.522.7607 or email her at
Once a month, the second Sunday of each month, Patricia is the co-host of The Psychic Talk radio show broadcast at 8:00 am on KKFI 90.1 FM or Guests from various metaphysical approaches are interviewed and psychic impressions and messages are offered to those who phone in with questions.
Friday, August 12 @ 7:30 p.m.
Core Star Energy Healing Clinic $5 for PSI Members 6045 Martway $10 General Public Mission, KS 66202 Free for PSI Patrons Tickets at the door only
September 2011 Program
“Natural Disasters”
Jo Andersen
Thursday, September 8 @ 7:30 p.m.Why are there so many natural disasters? So far in 2011, we have seen a record number of tornadoes, unprecedented flooding, rampant earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and a tsunami in Japan. Our top scientists seem to be at a loss to explain what is happening. There has never been a time in recent history where so many natural disasters have been compressed in a short period of time. We are experiencing many disasters at the same time the world economy seems to be coming apart. Something unusual is going on.
To gain a higher perspective about the many earth changes, Jo Andersen will channel information from her guardian spirit, Bill, who will answer questions from the audience. Jo and Bill knew each other when they attended the University of Kansas. He served as her spiritual teacher when he was alive and continues that role now from the other side. Bill died in 1971.
Jo Andersen and Vic Contoski began their spiritual collaboration when Jo delivered to him a message from his deceased wife, a continuation of the conversation they had on her deathbed. Jo and Vic started working together and began to have psychic evenings at Vic’s home. The also started a grief counseling group, which changed into the eight-week classes they teach in Spiritual Awakenings. Jo gets the syllabus for the classes through automatic writing, which changes with every class depending on the people in the group. At the end of each class meeting, Jo retires someplace. Bill takes over her body and answers questions from the class.
In addition to their classes they have monthly Evenings with Bill in the Kansas City, Lawrence and Topeka area. They have appeared at several psychic fairs. Currently Jo and Vic are writing a book, which may turn into a series of books, on the classes they teach. Jo is a spiritual teacher and cabinet maker and Vic is a retired professor of English at the University of Kansas.
To schedule a private reading with Jo, please call 785.979.8813.
Thursday, September 8 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets at the door only
Unity Temple on the Plaza $5 for PSI Members 707 W. 47th Street $10 General Public Kansas City, MO 64112 Free for PSI Patrons
October 2011 Program
“Channeling Archangel Michael”
Steffany Barton, RN
Friday, October 7 at 7:30 p.m.Archangel Michael is a light being who represents strength, clarity, focus, and passionate conviction for love. Michael works in service for the Divine Presence to embolden us to change as a collective and to speak up as individuals. He is powerful, palpable, and radiant light.
As our planet shifts, as our consciousness elevates, as we find our inner light, Michael’s messages anchor us in love. During this interactive presentation, Steffany will deliver messages of hope, help, and healing from Archangel Michael. Offering advice for the collective as well as individual specific insight, Archangel Michael will shine the light of love into the darkest corners of the mind, proving time and again that there is nothing to fear; that only love is real.
Steffany Barton is a premier psychic medium, spiritual teacher and author who is highly sought after for her angel readings. Part of Steffany’s mission is to demystify the spiritual and psychic arts. Through public demonstrations of her work as a medium, along with her classes and workshops, she works to provide individuals with spiritual experiences based in scientific fact.
Steffany holds a degree as a Registered Nurse and is also certified in past life regression and hypnotherapy and is a Karuna Reiki Master. She is the author of two books: Wonder Wings and Angels Insight. There will be books available for purchase and a book signing will follow the program.
To schedule a private session, please call 913.451.4567.
Friday, October 7 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets at the door only
Unity Temple on the Plaza $5 for PSI Members 707 W. 47th Street $10 General Public Kansas City, MO 64112 Free for PSI Patrons
There was not a PSI program for November 2011
December 2011 Program
“The Pleiadians & the Missing Link”
Carmela Sibley
Sunday, December 4th @ 2:00 p.m.Who were the Pleiadians in earth’s galactic history? What is the extraterrestrial involvement in the development of homosapiens on earth? In this program you will gain an understanding of how extraterrestrials have affected human development via DNA.
This is channeled material from Carmela’s guide, Elaine of the Midnight Eyes, a 3,500 year old druidic high priestess. This program will explain why anthropologists and scientists are unable to find that “missing link” between the early bi-pedal hominids and human beings. It will also clarify some of the myths found in all early cultures and biblical references.
We will also discuss signs of E.T. presence at this time and the increase of signs since World War II, government involvement in the cover-up universally, and possible reasons why the E.T’s are not making their presence known in a more obvious manner. Time permitting, Carmela may also channel for more “other worldly” information.
Carmela was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan and has degrees from Michigan, Indiana and Kansas. She has been a teacher and administrator on high school and college levels. Carmela started having psychic experiences at the age of 10 when she began having out-of-body experiences and past life visions. Carmella and her husband, Victor Contoski, hold group channelings, healing sessions and spiritually based meetings. Her email is
Sunday, December 4th @ 2:00 p.m.
Core Star Energy Healing Clinic $5 for PSI Members 6045 Martway $10 General Public Mission, KS 66202 Free for PSI Patrons Tickets at the door only